BSCC- Show of hands - intentions for the Convention

Karl Haakonsen ( karlhaakonsen at
Tue Jul 3 22:01:42 EDT 2012

I plan to be there from Tuesday through Saturday, though I still need to work out my work schedule details. We won't have a Corvair there, so we're there mainly to see everyone else's cars. I will be attending the board meeting on Tuesday, and the banquet on Saturday night and our schedule in between is pretty open. 


----- Original Message -----

From: "Cynde Dave, & Elliot Silvia" <redporsche944 at> 
To: "David McMillan" <dmac632000 at>, "Bay State Corvairs (MA)" <bsc-list at> 
Sent: Tuesday, July 3, 2012 6:26:02 PM 
Subject: Re: BSCC- Show of hands - intentions for the Convention 

Hi Dave- 


Originally, I had planned to attend all the days but travel for work (and other things) will prevent me from attending all the days.  I will probably attend on Friday if I can get my Corvair back on all fours! The other days I shall play by ear. 


-Dave Silvia 


From: bsc-list-bounces at [mailto:bsc-list-bounces at] On Behalf Of David McMillan 
Sent: Tuesday, July 03, 2012 10:11 AM 
To: Bay State Corvairs ( MA) 
Subject: BSCC- Show of hands - intentions for the Convention 


Hi Folks, 

Just running a poll. Who is planning to go to the Convention and when are you planning to be there? 


Debi and I intend to head to Sturbridge on Tuesday morning, the 24th and we are staying till Sunday, the 29th. 


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