BSCC- Okay

David McMillan dmac632000 at
Tue Jul 3 19:22:28 EDT 2012

So of all you folks that thave indicated you will be around during the convention.
Please! Please! Please?
Send an e-mail to Tom Russ at teruss at or respond to this e-mail to let him know you can help out for afew hours with the parking sometime during the convention. It's not a death sentence.
Frankly, I think it will be a fun job as it will allow you to greet each newcomer Corvair "family member" as they arrive for this historic event. And I mean historic. This is the FIRST time a CORSA Convention is being held in New England! First impressions mean everything. We've spoken about this before many times about how THIS convention reflects on us! 
Let's show how much we care.
I've already committed to whenever Tom needs to fit me in when I am not particpating in an event. Let's see if you can match that!
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