BSCC- Show of hands - intentions for the Convention

David McMillan dmac632000 at
Tue Jul 3 17:14:30 EDT 2012

Hi Steve!
So glad you are competing in the Cole competition. You should have a great time. 
WHY no hotel????????? That doesn't sound good. Do you have any idea what you're gonna do?
Sleep in your car? Maybe in the atrium.  LOL    Let's hope not. Let me know how you make out.
 Have you volunteered to help with parking? I know Tom Russ is in a panic. Doesn't know if he'll have enough folks to help out. Think you could help out for a few hours? I've told him when I'm available so he can use me as he wishes.
The following weekend from the convention I'm starting the PanMass Challenge from the Host Hotel...and guess what? I have no place to stay either. I AM planning to sleep in my car. Did it last year. 
Steve, I know you do lots of charitable things and I'm hesitant to ask you. Would you care to donate to my PanMass fundraising this year? 

From: Steve Burns <a65corvair at>
To: bsc-list at 
Sent: Tuesday, July 3, 2012 4:22 PM
Subject: Re: BSCC- Show of hands - intentions for the Convention

I will be there each day, competing in the hotel at this point

On 7/3/2012 10:11 AM, David McMillan wrote: 
Hi Folks,
>Just running a poll. Who is planning to go to the Convention and when are you planning to be there?
>Debi and I intend to head to Sturbridge on Tuesday morning, the 24th and we are staying till Sunday, the 29th.
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