BSCC- Fw: Fwd: Corvair Questions!!

Dave, Cynde, & Elliot Silvia redporsche944 at
Mon Oct 3 23:22:30 EDT 2011

OK, I’ll shall chime in.




1st your taillights:  At this point you have three choices:  buy new ones ($32 each), find used ones, fix yours.  Now, not knowing what is on them is a problem.  Chances are a solvent will also damage the plastic.  You might be able to use very light sandpaper (360-400 grit) to sand off the stuff on them and then use finer and finer grit sandpaper (till you get to around 600 grit) and then use plastic polish (available at auto parts stores) to polish them.  The downside will be that you will lose the lettering on the tail lights.


2nd your headlights: Get new ones or use a single edge razor blade to remove  the paint or whatever from them.


3rd the engine:  Two choices: find a running engine or overhaul one.  I suggest finding a running car with a bad body and purchasing it for the engine.  The advantage will be that you can run the engine and perhaps even drive it to determine how good it is before purchasing it.  If you go this route you can even offset your purchase price by selling parts off the car.  The 140’s do drop seats more often but 110’s are not immune to this problem – low mileage may not be a good indicator of engine quality – they are all old – and anything could happen -  but it will be a plus if you can drive the car to test the engine.  You may find a good running car cheap.  As far as overhauling and engine, Lionel is correct $2500 for a basic overhaul.  The cost is dependent upon what the engine needs, figure $2500 is a minimum cost.  Typically, it will cost $500 each to rebuild just the heads (deep seats, milled, new springs, new valves).  Quite honestly I do not know anyone that could overhaul a Corvair engine in a “couple of days”.   It will take two days just to get it apart and degreased.   If you choose to overhaul your engine and you bring it someplace to have it done, it would take a few weeks and that is provided that all necessary parts are available – sometimes certain parts are out of stock (I waited weeks for copper head gaskets, no Corvair parts source had them in stock).  If you can find a place within driving distance that will be a plus.  If you have to ship the engine somewhere there is added risk as you cannot monitor the quality of the work.  When I purchased my own car, I was told the engine had been overhauled by a shop that works on Corvairs – I have found incorrect hardware, cracked valve seats, and even a head stud that was inserted too far and was being hit by the rod stud – all sloppy work that I am still correcting to this day.  


My two cents,






: bsc-list-bounces at [mailto:bsc-list-bounces at] On Behalf Of Jon Keeter
Sent: Monday, October 03, 2011 9:45 PM
To: David McMillan; Bay State Corvairs (MA)
Cc: bsc-list at
Subject: Re: BSCC- Fw: Fwd: Corvair Questions!!


My brother in law is about the most knowledgeable vair guy I've ever known, has restored a dozen or so vairs, owns 4 or 5 i think now, including a couple yenkos and a rampside, can usually rebuild an engine in a couple days, and lives nearby this guy ( I grew up in Springfield, MO). His company is Automotive Archaeologists,, his name is Jeff Moore ( google his name and yenko), his phone number is on his website. He's mostly why I own two late models myself.


He also knows a trick about those valve seats, something with interference fits and using heat and cold to get them in, does it on all the vair race engines, I'm sure he can help.




Jon Keeter

Sent from my iPad

On Oct 3, 2011, at 1:17 PM, David McMillan <dmac632000 at> wrote:

Would anyone like to chime in about solutions to Darrel's questions below?


----- Forwarded Message -----
From: "lionelsgarage at" <lionelsgarage at>
To: dmac632000 at; bomma at
Sent: Monday, October 3, 2011 5:16 AM
Subject: Fwd: Corvair Questions!!


Can you sent this to our members.


-----Original Message-----
From: lionelsgarage <lionelsgarage at>
To: woofcorvair <woofcorvair at>
Sent: Mon, Oct 3, 2011 5:14 am
Subject: Re: Corvair Questions!!


    I will forword this to our members of the Bay State Corvair club. Some one may have a 110 engine also.

It would cost you about $2500 to build the engine.


-----Original Message-----
From: woofcorvair <woofcorvair at>
To: lionelsgarage <lionelsgarage at>
Sent: Sun, Oct 2, 2011 11:27 pm
Subject: Re: Corvair Questions!!

Hello Lionel:

   Thank you for responding to my issues.  It would be appreciated, if you would still

bring this issue up at your next CORSA meeting (about the polishing/cleaning of

the tail light lens).

   What you charge in rebuilding a #110 engine?  Another big problem would be

the extra costs for shipping the engine to me?




In a message dated 10/2/2011 8:20:57 P.M. Central Daylight Time, lionelsgarage at writes:

Hi Darrell,


The front headlights are glass so you could replace the bulb and that would solve the problem. The tail lights are another problem as they are not available new and not knowing what is covering them. Have you tried to buff them?


I don't know of any low miliage 110 engines but I can rebuild one for you. 


Hope this helped.



-----Original Message-----
From: woofcorvair <woofcorvair at>
To: Lionelsgarage <Lionelsgarage at>
Sent: Sun, Oct 2, 2011 9:05 pm
Subject: Corvair Questions!!

Hello Lionel:


Some of our local Corvair owners have recommended you to me.   There are

(2) different issues that I have had, for the past five years, and I need some

"personal and professional" assistance.


First of all, I own a 1962 Rampside.  Both the headlights and tail light lens are

covered with corrosion, chemical byproducts, etc. that have created an ugly

film over them.  There have been several recommendations/suggestions that

have been give to me, about solvents or chemicals that would "rid" this film.

But, none of them have worked!!!


Secondly, I need to replace my Corvair #140 engine that is now in my Ultra Van.

I am hoping to find a recently rebuilt #110 engine that would have less than

25,000 miles on it.  I have had nothing but problems, especially dropping the

valve seats on this engine.


Looking forward to hearing from you.  I intend to share your information with

other Corvair owners in our area.  I live in SW Missouri, near Springfield.



Darrell G. Woofter

woofcorvair at

(417) 725-8088


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