BSCC- Generator

Dave, Cynde, & Elliot Silvia redporsche944 at
Wed Jun 22 18:48:05 EDT 2011

Is your generator dead?  Usually it is just the brushes,  which you might be able to change out quickly- Also, you could try Ray Helger (401-635-4849) in Little Compton, he might have a rebuilt one in stock or at least have a set of brushes for you!




From: bsc-list-bounces at [mailto:bsc-list-bounces at] On Behalf Of corvairman64 at
Sent: Wednesday, June 22, 2011 8:04 AM
To: Bay State Corvairs (MA)
Subject: Re: BSCC- Generator




From: "Jason Cesana" <jacesana1 at>
To: BSC-list at
Sent: Monday, June 20, 2011 5:31:54 PM
Subject: BSCC- Generator

OK gang I need help. Does anyone out there have a good used generator they would be willing to part with? My 60 uses a 9” (7” from mounting bracket to mounting bracket) I can use a 10” generator if I can get the side mount to change out mine. Thanks all. 


Jason Cesana

CORSA Vice President

CPF  President

Eastern Director

Bay State Corvair Club

1960 Caveman Corvairs


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Sorry Jason, I don't have one.  - Steve

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