BSCC- Submitted Recipe

McCafferty, Catherine Catherine.McCafferty at
Tue Jul 12 10:21:23 EDT 2011

Hi Everyone,

Quick question.  A few months ago someone submitted a recipe to me for a Watermelon and Cantaloupe Salad with Mint Vinaigrette.  I printed it out, but neglected to note who sent it to me.  Now I can't remember who it was and have deleted the e-mail.  I want to include it in the club's cookbook and want to give the person who submitted it to me credit.

If you remember sending me this recipe, please drop me a note letting me know who you are.  If I don't hear back from anyone, I'll include it in the cookbook anyway as submitted by "Anonymous."



Catherine A. McCafferty
Law Department
Badger Licensing LLC
One Main Street
Cambridge, MA  02142
617.494.7221 (direct)
617.494.7009 (fax)<>

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