BSCC- Route #2

Sharon Leonard shalibra at
Wed Jul 14 16:33:17 EDT 2010

You must have read our minds as we were just talking about taking that route.  I hate the MA Pike and dont mind a slower route.  I think we will still go that way.  We will be leaving around 8am Friday morning.
thanks for the info Jim,
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: jimb26 at 
  To: BSC-List at Corvair.Org 
  Sent: Wednesday, July 14, 2010 1:51 PM
  Subject: BSCC- Route #2

  Club Members,

  Just  a heads up for club members that may be going to Hemming's this weekand; especially if you're considering using route 2 in MA.

  I just returned from a motor trip which I used route #2 coming back.  There is quite a bit of construction in the Gill to Athol area; a distance of maybe 20 miles, plus some smaller sections.  There was no stoppage of traffic, but it can be a bit slow; which might be good for the Corvairs. The road isn't dug up so that shouldn't be a concern. Some sections are greatly improved if you haven't been on it recently; especially in the Irving area.

  To those that are going; have a great time and drive safely.

  Best Regards,

  Jim Ben


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