BSCC- Update on Sponsorships...

bomma at bomma at
Mon Aug 30 23:46:57 EDT 2010

Hi Everyone. 

Just a last minute update on the Trophy and Plaque Sponsorships for the 'Clark's Fall Classic Show' 

All but 2 classes have been sponsored. All that is left is the "Modified / Specialty Class" of 3 Plaques for $46.00 and the "Valve Cover Race / Junior Division" of 3 Trophies for $35.00. Do we have any volunteers to cover either of these classes? The information has already been sent to Rainbow Trophy Co. to assemble and engrave our show awards so I'd need to know by tomorrow, Tuesday the 31st at the latest . Please e-mail me at bomma at or call me at (508) 473-7026 . Last year we sold out the Award Sponsorships a month early. We're down to the wire on this issue so if you can step up to help us out it will be very much appreciated, plus you'll be listed on the show's Sponsorship Page. 

Thank you in advance, Ray 

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