BSCC- Words cannot express...

bandfacs at bandfacs at
Mon May 19 10:16:03 EDT 2008

Words cannot express how touched my colleague and I are over the most fantastic participation from BSC at our CRUISIN' TO THE TUNES CLASSIC CAR SHOW yesterday.  Dave was correct in that there were 20 cars from our club.  I figured that a few of you would show, but never counted on 20!  How awesome!  It speaks to what a great club we have.

I'd like to publicly offer a special thank you to Dave Clark for working so hard to complete the valve cover track for this show, and for transporting it from CT.  It was quite an undertaking that should not go unnoticed, and I remain forever grateful.

Thanks also to the Boydens for hosting a social hour (or two or...) at their home afterward.  They were certainly most gracious hosts.

When it came time to announce the Best Club Participation Award, I asked if anyone felt the need to count club registrations.  The reply was "Why bother?  It's a no brainer that the Corvair club got it!"  Members of another club told me that they were quite envious of our club, and wished that their own members were as supportive and committed.

In the end, we did extremely well for a first time show.  We counted a total of 65 paid registrations throughout the day.  Add to that vending fees and the 50/50, and we met our target goal.  Thanks to you and the other participants, we have funds to keep the program moving forward into the fall semester - definitely a plus during a fiscal crisis.

So...onward.  Many more events to come this season, and a lot of work to do for our Clark's show.  I'm ready to work!

Thanks again, everyone!

Scott Abrahamson

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