BSCC- (no subject)

rick macdonald rick4130 at
Sun May 18 19:55:34 EDT 2008

I went to the Jaguar Association of N. England's Spring slalom today...and stupidly left the camera at home!!!! 

Here are my times: 

1. 59.900 (getting warmed up) 
2. 58.616 (nice, getting faster!) 
3. 60.323 (not bad, skidding thru all turns, hitting the gas too late) 
4. 65.328 (serious carb boggage!!) 
5. 58.730 (no bogging, but swerved around a cone too close and lost momentum) 

Last year, it was: 

1. Off-Course (got lost in all those cones!) 
2. 70.560 (had a passenger who knew what he was doing) 
3. Off-course (killed 2 cones and then got lost) 
4. 62.029 (I think I got it now!) 
5. 59.648 (at least I got under a minute!) 

I've attached a plan of the basically do an hour glass, then a figure 8, then a big oval to the outside....REAL nice cars, fast drivers, great people. I was the slowest one out there in my "little old lady" 102 pg...but I loved it!!! Fastest car was 38 seconds...a real pro!

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