BSCC- Tires

David McMillan dmac632000 at
Tue Jul 29 07:56:44 EDT 2008

Perhaps we need a consumer advocate of some sort to look more closely at this????
I know a good lawyer...maybe you've heard of of Ralph Nader?

----- Original Message ----
From: peter cuipenski <cuipenski at>
To: Bay State Corvairs (MA) <bsc-list at>
Sent: Tuesday, July 29, 2008 1:03:21 AM
Subject: Re: BSCC- Tires

 Jason,...This is all about teaching those that are unaware what to look for, when purchasing a "new" set of skin's for there car's.It's like a woman shopping for fruit's n' vegetable's,that they'll pick through them,only picking the best,and freshest.Case in point,rubber is a natural material,and will rot and decay,if left to do so,just as a banana turn's brown.Would one pick a brown and aged banana to buy?. Not hardly. The grocer would have to throw it in the garbage,and his loss.The grower can't be blamed,he shipped it fresh.Getting back to the tire,the manufacture by law, has stamped the born date,just like born dates now stamped on the bottom of a beer can,or a "sell by" date on a gallon of milk.This all leaves it upon the consumer to get street smart,when purchasing the tire.Another owner's issue is inspecting a tire for checking and small crack's appearing.The rubber has aged,and time for new one's.There is no way to stop the ageing process.About
 30 yrs.ago,manufacture's went to steel belted radial's.The Firestone 500 was famous for comeing unglued,especially at high speed.This was a manufacturing issue,seeing that the manufacture had us find out the hard way,same for recap's.A few year's back,the Japanese Toyo tire came on the market,built to our standard's,along with made in Japan stamped on them.Recently,i looked on one,and no longer is "made in japan" on them.There now made in China !!.Walmart should be selling them,like all there other stuff.I retired as a tire and suspension specialist,working 28 year's at the same major auto dealership.I handled many tire complaint's and used the latest in high tech equiptment detecting tire problem's.I operated a road force balance machine that detected problem's in manufacturing,and scrapped even new tire's.Goodyear tire's that came through on new car's were junk,from the get go,attributed to quality control,and the almighty dollar and it's purchasing
 power.You get what you pay for.Nuff said.   Pete 
----- Original Message ----- 
From: Jason Cesana 
To: Bay State Corvairs 
Sent: Monday, July 28, 2008 10:49 PM
Subject: BSCC- Tires

I just got watch the video and I am horrified at the lack of concern by large corporations for the safety of the American public. It is a sad excuse to make money at our expense. It is time we as the general public AND the US government to make businesses in this country hold up to a higher standard.  It is also time that we make them pay for the CRIME of MURDER for their lassie-faire attitude towards this problem. Maybe if a few CEO's spent REAL time in jail then they smarten up. 
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