BSCC- 20/20 video

Dave, Cindy, & Elliot Silvia redporsche944 at
Mon Jul 28 21:42:50 EDT 2008

Yes, the video is correct, I have read in several car magazines that tires have a finite shelf life..  I thought that the video was pretty interesting and Pete is right 13" tires are on the way out.  But, keep in mind that companies like Coker continue to manufacture new ones including the correct 6.50-13.  The only problem is they are bias ply.  I did think the video was incomplete.  It never mentioned the brand of tires or whether under-inflation was a factor in addition to tire age.  Under-inflated tires over heat very quickly.  Every time I have tires put on my car I check the tire pressure to see if they are to the specification for my car.  I have yet to find them correct.  The last time I had tires put on my Monte Carlo they cost $180 a piece and when I got home I found one tire inflated to 45 lbs.  Actually exceeding the maximum inflation of the tire.   I called the tire store, a reputable Good year dealer and complained.  They told me that they do not have time to check every car to find the sticker indicating the proper inflation.  Oddly enough it is always in either the door jam or on the trunk lid.  They were idiots and I would bet money on the fact that improper tire inflation causes far more accidents then old tires.  

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