BSCC- Show in Berkeley - 9/23

bandfacs at bandfacs at
Sat Sep 22 19:45:53 EDT 2007

Hello, everyone.

We stumbled across a listing for the annual Friends of the Berkeley (MA) Library Car Show.  Perhaps some of you know about from the past.  Evidently, there has been late advertising for it, and specific details were not posted.  Anyway, after several phone calls, I got in touch with someone today.  If you are interested, it starts at 9:00 a.m. tomorrow (Sunday, 9/23) on the Berkeley Town Commons.  Registration is $12 per vehicle, and, for those of you interested in competing, this is the first year that there will be "professional" judging by classes with trophies awarded.  I was informed that in the past judging was done according to people's choice.  The awards are expected to be presented late in the day between 3-4 p.m.

We were thinking of going just because it is supposed to be a beautiful day.  It would be great to have other Corvairs go too!  The only catch is that cars are not parked by make/model/class, but as they arrive (unless cars arrive together).

Have a great weekend!

Scott Abrahamson
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