BSCC- what is up with this?

rick macdonald rick4130 at
Fri Nov 16 08:08:01 EST 2007

I can't see any parts of it that are missing, it's like it was spongy, or was full of bubbles that just caved in and flattened out. It's weird, but it stayed sealed all that time, never leaked a drop anywhere.  No fragments were visible, it just "squooshed".

"daves69vair at" <daves69vair at> wrote:
  rick change your oil,some of that junk may have made it in to your engine, i had a similar problem on the race car,our gasket and filter were new.  the gasket got sucked in and parts of it plugged a few of the oil ports in the block. mine was a expensive goof up because we were in a hurry and didn't notice the gasket wasn't where it was suppost to be when we put the filter on.  _______________________________________________
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