BSCC- Lime Rock

David McMillan dmac632000 at
Thu Jun 21 21:17:48 EDT 2007

Thanks for letting us know how it went Mark. I've just been too busy at work to have gone.

I really enjoyed watching last time Debi and I went (two years ago? yikes)
The only nervewracking spot on the track I've heard is the rise and then immediate dip just before going under the "overpass". Other than that just watching speed and apex on the turns so they don't catch you by surprise...


----- Original Message ----
From: Mark Edmonds <ctmle at>
To: Bay State Corvairs (MA) <bsc-list at>
Sent: Thursday, June 21, 2007 8:54:48 PM
Subject: BSCC- Lime Rock

Wanted to report on Lime Rock today.  I was there from about 11 AM to 3:30 PM.  Only one Corvair there – full race set up – Brian O’Neil.  Unfortunately he had mechanical problems toward the end of the practice laps and was not able to run the timed laps.  There were many fast and not so fast cars there (about 70 total I think).  During the practice laps the track was open and people went on and off basically as they wished, so all cars were mixed together.  Can only pass on the two straights. The timed laps had a warm up lap, two fast laps and a cool down lap for each car.  After watching for a few hours I am not so nervous about driving there.
I finally have finally received all new parts I was waiting for so I hope to have my Corvair back together very soon.  Need to get some miles on it (and any bugs out) before Aug. 27!!
Mark Edmonds
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