BSCC- Emailing: 1969 Corvair 07 (2)

Ray & Kathy Bombardier bomma at
Fri Jun 8 00:33:58 EDT 2007

Johnny, It's a late and it's still a stunner.   What a beauty.   Boy, this club has some serious bragging rights now.    Did I mention I just bought another Corvair?   You may recognize it as it's the one I bought from Ron Muise about 9 years ago then sold to Steve & Geri-lyn; the blue '64 Monza Coupe.   It's currently at Lionel's and Steve & Lionel are doing an engine/trans swap with my '62 as the '62 ate a valve seate and did head and piston damage.  Just another day in my world.   See you next Wed. at the MMM.     Ray 

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: John 
  To: bsc-list at 
  Sent: Thursday, June 07, 2007 7:05 PM
  Subject: BSCC- Emailing: 1969 Corvair 07 (2)

  Well not to be outdone by other members of the club [i.e. Cathy and Dave] I just finished working out a deal on this very original and clean late production [#5540] 69 Monza coupe. Found it on Craig's list in Raleigh NC. Can't wait to have a late model again! No offense Dave. 
  We can now say as a club that we have one of the earliest Corvairs in existence along with one of the latest! This car was built in the last week of production at Willow Run in May 1969.
  In case your wondering. My Oldsmobile ragtop has been sold to make room in the garage. At least I get rid of one before getting another! :]
  Looking forward to the All Chevy Show in a couple of weeks.

  Johnny Wingle

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