BSCC- RE: BSCC Autocross Video

Sharon Leonard shalibra at
Wed Feb 28 09:30:12 EST 2007

Mark - first things first.  Your wife's wellbeing is much more important and I'm sure that at a future time, when your lives return to normal, you can share your autocross video with us.
Our thoughts and prayers are with you both,
Chuck and Sharon Leonard

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Mark Edmonds 
  To: 'Bay State Corvairs (MA)' 
  Sent: Wednesday, February 28, 2007 7:36 AM
  Subject: RE: BSCC- RE: BSCC Autocross Video

  Hello everyone - I guess I will try to cover this all at once

  Answer - the autocross was not at Limerock, they were in Bristol, CT in a huge parking lot - put on by the Connecticut Autocross and Racing Team (C.A.R.T.  They were actually test and tune days where you run for fun, not actual competition events.  They run those on Sundays and I am not able to make them.


  Regarding tonights meeting.  Thank you for your interest. However.

  I do not know how many of you know that shortly before the Holiday party my wife, Linda, was diagnosed with breast cancer.  We had planned to go to the party but were not able to due to family crisis that night.  Shortly after that she had a double mastectomy and has been healing well and expecting to begin chemo treatment tomorrow.  Yesterday she began to run a fever - dr. determined she had an infection and put her right in the hospital and last night into surgery to open it back up flush it out and put in a drain tube. Hopefully she will be coming home today, but it is probably not very likely that I will make the meeting tonight.  




  From: bsc-list-bounces at [mailto:bsc-list-bounces at] On Behalf Of steve boyden
  Sent: Tuesday, February 27, 2007 9:35 AM
  To: Bay State Corvairs (MA)
  Subject: Re: BSCC- RE: BSCC Autocross Video


  I'm very interested. I'm looking forward to tomorrow night.

    ----- Original Message ----- 

    From: Mark Edmonds 

    To: 'Bay State Corvairs (MA)' 

    Sent: Monday, February 26, 2007 6:29 PM

    Subject: BSCC- RE: BSCC Autocross Video



    Hello All

    It looks like I will be able to make the meeting this week.     I don't know if anyone is interested - - I videotaped a few of my autocross runs this past summer - both from outside and inside the car - and have put them on a DVD.  They are not record breaking runs by any means, but fun.  If anyone is interested in taking a look I will bring the DVD to the meeting (10 minutes or less of video) to look at after.  One Catch - I do not have a laptop that will play DVDs, so if anyone is interested is there a laptop available?

    Mark Edmonds


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