BSCC- RE: BSCC Autocross Video

David McMillan dmac632000 at
Mon Feb 26 19:00:48 EST 2007

That sounds great Mark. We can watch it after the "official" portion of the meeting. Last meeting we watched a DVD that Ray brought with a 1960 Corvair commercial. Actually, I managed to find a link to youtube that shows it. The link is now on our website in...where else? The links page! LOL

I'll have my laptop handy.


----- Original Message ----
From: Mark Edmonds <ctmle at>
To: Bay State Corvairs (MA) <bsc-list at>
Sent: Monday, February 26, 2007 6:29:21 PM
Subject: BSCC- RE: BSCC Autocross Video

Hello All
It looks like I will be able to make the meeting this week.     I don’t know if anyone is interested - - I videotaped a few of my autocross runs this past summer – both from outside and inside the car - and have put them on a DVD.  They are not record breaking runs by any means, but fun.  If anyone is interested in taking a look I will bring the DVD to the meeting (10 minutes or less of video) to look at after.  One Catch – I do not have a laptop that will play DVDs, so if anyone is interested is there a laptop available?
Mark Edmonds
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