BSCC- extra valve covers

rick macdonald rick4130 at
Thu Dec 6 16:54:31 EST 2007

10 x 2  = 20!!!

"daves69vair at" <daves69vair at> wrote:  hi gang, dave c. here. as most of you know im building a valve cover track for the club, so that we will have for club events. when i was at the dust off i noticed that the hew hampshire club made up valve cover racer starter kits for people to purchase. at the price of $20.00 per kit  i was thinking that we as a club could get a few of these kits made up  and have on sale at the events where we race. ie. the clarks  show and other events, we bought 2 kits at the dust off , one for my wife and one for our daughter and now they are hooked. if you have never done this or seen it  i think you will be surprised. it really is a blast. what i wanted the club members to let me know if they have a few extra valver covers laying around that they would be willing to give up to help make up these kits if yes please let me or dave mac. know and thanks  dave c. 

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