Jerry Sachs jsachs at
Thu Apr 26 15:33:58 EDT 2007

It's Just the Key to Your Room
Computerworld surveys 100 hotel card keys to explode an urban myth.

January 16, 2006 (Computerworld) -- Warning: Hotel card keys may 
contain personally identifiable data on the magnetic stripe. Is it 
fact—or fiction?

  "It's an urban legend. It doesn't work," says Joe McInerney, president 
of the American Hotel and Lodging Association (AHLA). Nonetheless, 
unsubstantiated reports keep surfacing every six months or so, he 

  For example, last fall, an IT director at a travel club in Wyomissing, 
Pa., told Computerworld that he had found personal information on 
magnetic hotel key cards when visiting three major hotel chains. The IT 
professional said he read the cards using a commonly available 
ISO-standard swipe-card reader that plugs into any USB port. At one 
resort, he said, his card key contained credit card information, his 
address and his name. He said the hotel expressed surprise when he 
showed it the results. His comments, which appeared in a Computerworld 
blog in September , created a furor. He subsequently declined to 
comment for this story.

  As part of a Computerworld investigation into the allegations, 
reporters and other staff members who traveled last fall brought back 
52 hotel card keys over a six-week period. The cards came from a wide 
range of hotels and resorts, from Motel 6 to Hyatt Regency and Disney 
World. We scanned them using an ISO-standard card reader from MagTek 
Inc. in Carson, Calif.—the type anyone could buy online.

  We then sent the cards to Terry Benson, engineering group leader at 
MagTek, for a more in-depth examination using specialized equipment. 
MagTek also gathered cards from its own staff. In all, 100 cards were 

  Most cards were completely unreadable with an off-the-shelf card 
reader. Neither Benson nor Computerworld found any personally 
identifiable information on them. Based on these results, we think it's 
unlikely that hotel guests in the U.S. will find any personal 
information on their hotel card keys. There is, however, some debate 
among industry experts over whether some older systems could have been 
configured to store personal information under specific scenarios.

  To understand why personal information is unlikely to appear on hotel 
card keys, you must first understand how the technology works. 
Electronic locks that use magnetic cards were developed to address 
petty-theft problems associated with traditional keys. "Those problems 
have virtually gone away," says Brian Garavuso, CIO at Hilton Grand 
Vacations Co. in Orlando and chairman of the AHLA's technology 
committee. Most keys contain only a room number, a departure date and a 
"folio," or guest account code—although other data may be stored on 
them as well.

  The door locks, which are stand-alone, battery-powered devices, each 
contain a sequence of lock codes. The sequence advances when an expired 
card is swiped or a new card inserted. The lock also logs when a guest, 
maid or other hotel employee has entered the room. Hotel door locks 
aren't wired back to the systems at the front desk. Therefore, if a 
card is lost and a new card is issued, the room remains unprotected 
until the new card is inserted into the lock and it resets. Hotels use 
card-key locks because they are relatively inexpensive, make rekeying 
easy, include a time limit and provide an audit trail of room access.

  Most card keys aren't readable because electronic lock systems use 
proprietary encoders and readers. While ISO-standard cards store data 
on three tracks on the magnetic strip, hotel lock systems use a 
proprietary encoding pattern and encrypt room-key data on Track 3, says 
Mark Goldberg, executive vice president and chief operating officer at 
magnetic card maker Plasticard-Locktech International LLP in Asheville, 
N.C. PLI's name appeared on many of the card keys Computerworld tested.

  Only 15% of the cards tested yielded any data using the USB card 
reader. The alphanumeric strings did not match any of the users' credit 
card numbers, nor was any intelligible text found. At MagTek, Benson 
was able to pull up strings of binary data from the cards but could not 
decode it. A specialized reader would be needed to decipher it, but 
"you won't be able to grab one of those off eBay very easily," he says.

  Even then, the data would be unreadable because it is encrypted, says 
Mike Scott, new products manager at Saflok, an electronic lock maker in 
Troy, Mich.

On the Right Track?

  Most electronic lock systems include a card encoder, a user 
workstation and server software. That system interoperates with the 
property management system (PMS), the software that handles functions 
such as reservations, registration and guest billing. The PMS 
communicates with the electronic lock system to generate new card keys 
and sends billing data to the back-end systems.

  A point-of-sale system may also tie back into the PMS to allow the 
guest account code on the card key to be used to add charges for meals 
or other items to the room bill. In this situation, the account code 
exists within Track 2 on the card. This can be linked to the back-end 
billing system, where the customer's name, address and credit card 
information reside, allowing the guest to charge meals or bar tabs to 
the card as though it were a credit card.

  Resorts such as Universal Studios use Track 1 as an amusement park 
pass and Track 2 for other charges, according to Saflok. While neither 
track is encrypted, it typically includes only the folio code. On some 
cards, the guest name and folio code may also be printed on the front 
of the card itself.

  Could credit card data be embedded directly onto the card? 
"Technically it's possible, but why would you? It's not needed," says 

  Individual hotel-chain properties are often franchised to other owners 
that may outsource management to a third party—and may use a variety of 
back-end systems. However, although the back-end systems may vary, all 
hotel chains require that franchisees use their property management 
systems, Garavuso says.

  In some resorts or hotels, the systems used in the bar, restaurant or 
other concessions may not be tied back to the PMS that contains the 
customer billing data. In that scenario, the hotel could choose to 
encode credit card data directly onto the hotel key to allow credit 
charges to be made, rather than going to the trouble of modifying both 
systems. That type of arrangement could explain the experience the IT 
director reported to Computerworld.

  But is it likely? "If it were an older system, it's possible," 
acknowledges Louise Casamento, director of marketing at PMS vendor 
Micros Systems Inc. in Columbia, Md. In the past, people weren't as 
conscious of security, and ISO card readers weren't readily available 
on the Web, she says. But Saflok's Scott says it's not likely. "I've 
been doing this for 15 years, and I've never seen it," he says, adding 
that Saflok's system doesn't even have an option to allow the encoding 
of credit card data onto its key cards.

  "I would have to say that it [would have to be] a very old system—and 
they are still out there—that may still allow this," says Jocelynn 
Lane, vice president at VingCard AS, a vendor of electronic lock 
systems based in Norway. But, she adds, "we've never seen them 
compromised." Certainly no system would do it today, she adds.

  The only situation where Lane says travelers might find sensitive 
personal information on card keys is when they're abroad. "There are 
locking systems in Europe that, when you check in, let you enter a 
credit card, guest name, everything [on the card]. But never in the 
States," she says.

  "There are probably 60,000 hotels in the U.S. right now. To say no one 
has done it would be presumptuous on my part," says PLI's Goldberg. But 
the chances of guests running across the problem, if it exists at all, 
are slim. "I would never check into a Holiday Inn and worry about it," 
Goldberg says.
On Apr 26, 2007, at 2:17 PM, David McMillan wrote:

> Looks like an urban myth...although not a bad idea to keep the room 
> card anyway.
> ----- Original Message ----
> From: bugclub101 <bugclub101 at>
> To: Bay State Corvairs (MA) <bsc-list at>
> Sent: Thursday, April 26, 2007 1:43:01 PM
> Subject: BSCC- Fw: HOTEL ROOM KEYS.......
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "MAL DALY" <mdaly at>
> Sent: Thursday, April 26, 2007 9:26 AM
> Subject: HOTEL ROOM KEYS.......
> Subject: HOTEL ROOM KEYS.......
> Very interesting!
> Here's something to think about....
> Ever wonder what is on your hotel room magnetic key card?
> Answer:
> A. Customer's name
> B. Customer's partial home address
> C. Hotel room number
> D. Check-in date and out dates
> E. Customer's credit card number and expiration date!
> ~
> When you turn them into the front desk your personal information is
> there for any employee to access by simply scanning the card in the
> hotel scanner.
> `
> An employee can take a hand full of cards home and using a scanning
> device,
> access the information onto a laptop computer and go shopping at your
> expense. Simply put, hotels do not erase the information on these cards
> until an employee re-issues the card to the next hotel guest.
> `
> At that time, the new guest's information is electronically
> "overwritten" on the card and the previous guest's information is
> erased in the overwriting process. But until the card is rewritten for
> the next guest, it usually is kept in a drawer at the front desk with
> YOUR INFORMATION ON IT! The bottom line is: Keep the cards, take them
> home with you, or destroy them.
> `
> NEVER leave them behind in the room or room wastebasket, and NEVER turn
> them into the front desk when you check out of a room.
> `
> They will not charge you for the card (it's illegal) and you'll be sure
> you are not leaving a lot of valuable personal
> information on it that could be easily lifted off with any simple
> scanning device card reader.
> `
> For the same reason, if you arrive at the airport and discover you 
> still
> have the card key in your pocket, do not toss it in an airport trash
> basket. Take it home and destroy it by cutting it up, especially 
> through
> the electronic information strip! (Information courtesy of Pasadena
> Police Department)
> `
> You can also carry along a small magnet and pass it acrossthe magnetic
> strip several times, then try it in the door. It will not work. It
> erases everything on the card.
> MAIL this to friends and family.
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