BSCC- hoildays

Daves69vair at Daves69vair at
Thu Nov 23 20:01:51 EST 2006

hello all, hope everyone's day was a great one. are we all full yet. up date 
on the vair i was to buy. do to a surprise visit from my folks  i have to hold 
off on the purchase of the vair. the folks pulled in with a new 38 foot class 
a motor home and will be using my yard for a spot to keep it until after the 
holidays. so i don't have the room for the car until they pull out with there 
rig.  so the new project will be on hold for a while. that's OK i do have so 
many things IM in the middle of. and with the mega hours at work, done have 
much free time gee that's a surprise right,  tomorrow its work then home depot 
then home to finish up on some living room remodeling. yesterday after work it 
was installing new gutters on the house, fun to do in the dark and today they 
were tested to the max. all went well. had a small dinner today do to some of 
the kids had to work so this sat, will be our turkey day. with all 6 kids 3 new 
boy friends and two that have been together for a couple of years. and even 
mom and dad. and one spoiled dog it should be a loud and fun filled day. hope 
all of your days are filled with love and fun  and with great people thru the 
holiday season. the Clark / beavan gang.( hoping to have at least 3 vairs up 
and running by spring. may be 4 if i get all the parts in time. i get a few more 
and the Clark / beavan family can start a new club. ya right..
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