BSCC- fell of the map

Daves69vair at Daves69vair at
Fri Nov 10 17:28:33 EST 2006

Hello all, yup its me. I have a question the b.s.c. list has been so quiet 
that I thought that perhaps I fell off the map. or the club went into 
hibernation. Sorry could be wrong. has anyone started any new winter projects yet or is 
everyone enjoying this great weather were having. Cheer up thanksgiving is 
only 13 days away. Christmas is only 45 days away and new yrs. is only 50 days 
away and oh yaaaaa April is like only 90 short days  away so how can you be 
bummed out, the new paint will be dry the oil will be changed and the car will be 
waxed and ready to go to all the fun events that IM sure our great event 
coordinators are planning in there heads and on paper. so heres to a great winter 
great thoughts and a fast approaching SPRING. See you all soon.  Dave c
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