BSCC- Kathy B. Update...........

Jerry Sachs jsachs at
Sat Aug 5 08:07:41 EDT 2006

HI Ray,

Thanks for keeping Libby and I in the loop about Kathy.  We were 
concerned after reading you last e-mail, but very relieved after 
reading this one. Please convey our best for a speedy recovery !


Jerry and Libby Sachs

On Aug 5, 2006, at 1:51 AM, Ray & Kathy Bombardier wrote:

> Hi Paul,
> Kathy says to, jump in, the waters fine.   After only two days out 
> from her surgery she says she wouldn't hesitate one moment to have her 
> hip replaced and she'd do it all again at New England 
> Baptist.   Friday she made it, (shuffling slowly with the walker) to 
> the official bathroom and back to the bed; a big improvement over 
> Thursday.  Saturday they have her scheduled to be mastering the 
> crutches and the plan is to have her outside her room, 'cruising the 
> hallway.'  She may actually be coming home on Sunday.   We'll chat 
> more about it later this morning at Hebert's.     Ray.
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: Paul Raia
>> To: Bay State Corvairs (MA)
>> Sent: Thursday, August 03, 2006 11:10 AM
>> Subject: RE: BSCC- Kathy B. Update...........
>> Ray, 
>> I am glad to hear that things went well.  Please tell Kathy we are 
>> thinking of her and hope each day brings her less pain and more 
>> mobility.  Tell her to take notes for me, remember, I’m next.  I’ll 
>> need to know the key words that will get me the maximum amount of 
>> drugs on demand; the good nurses and the best offerings on the menu. 
>>  Get some rest yourself.  Bona Fortuna  
>> This year a cure!
>> Sincerely,
>> Paul Raia, Ph.D.
>> Director of Patient Care and Family Support
>> Alzheimer's Association, Massachusetts Chapter
>> From: bsc-list-bounces at 
>> [mailto:bsc-list-bounces at] On Behalf Of Ray & Kathy 
>> Bombardier
>> Sent: Wednesday, August 02, 2006 11:12 PM
>> To: bsc-list at
>> Subject: BSCC- Kathy B. Update...........
>> Hi everyone........
>>         What a long day!!   We were up by 4:15, left here at 5:30 and 
>> were at New England Baptist Hospital at 6:30.  They rolled her into 
>> surgery at 8:30.  She was in the recovery unit from 10:00 - 1:00 
>> before they moved her and got her settled into a room.   I stayed 
>> with her until about 8:45 tonight.   She was drifting in and out of 
>> sleep. (mostly sleep, all day)     She seems pretty good although she 
>> vomited 3 times from just sucking on ice chips due to the anesthesia 
>> and the pain level had gone up from a 3 to a 6.  They gave her an 
>> injection of something and the nurse says she should feel better in 
>> that regard tomorrow although the hip pain from the surgery should 
>> kick in pretty good by that time as well.   We'll see.  I didn't roll 
>> in here to Milford until almost 10 PM.   I'm getting a few e-mails 
>> off and then it's off to bed. 
>>         Kathy's moved by all the calls, notes of concern and offers 
>> of assistance.   She thanks you and sends her love back to all of you 
>> and hopes to join you at an upcoming event ASAP.   She actually 
>> starts minor physical therapy tomorrow.  It involves slowly getting 
>> out of bed and standing next to it.   (Hell, I can do that and I 
>> didn't have surgery!!)  Seriously, I thank you all again for your 
>> caring concern and I'll keep you posted on Kathy's progress.   
>> Warmest regards, Ray B.
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