BSCC- Kathy B. Update...........

Paul Raia paul.raia at
Thu Aug 3 11:10:18 EDT 2006



I am glad to hear that things went well.  Please tell Kathy we are thinking
of her and hope each day brings her less pain and more mobility.  Tell her
to take notes for me, remember, I'm next.  I'll need to know the key words
that will get me the maximum amount of drugs on demand; the good nurses and
the best offerings on the menu.  Get some rest yourself.  Bona Fortuna  


This year a cure!



Paul Raia, Ph.D.

Director of Patient Care and Family Support

Alzheimer's Association, Massachusetts Chapter



From: bsc-list-bounces at [mailto:bsc-list-bounces at] On
Behalf Of Ray & Kathy Bombardier
Sent: Wednesday, August 02, 2006 11:12 PM
To: bsc-list at
Subject: BSCC- Kathy B. Update...........


Hi everyone........


        What a long day!!   We were up by 4:15, left here at 5:30 and were
at New England Baptist Hospital at 6:30.  They rolled her into surgery at
8:30.  She was in the recovery unit from 10:00 - 1:00 before they moved her
and got her settled into a room.   I stayed with her until about 8:45
tonight.   She was drifting in and out of sleep. (mostly sleep, all day)
She seems pretty good although she vomited 3 times from just sucking on ice
chips due to the anesthesia and the pain level had gone up from a 3 to a 6.
They gave her an injection of something and the nurse says she should feel
better in that regard tomorrow although the hip pain from the surgery should
kick in pretty good by that time as well.   We'll see.  I didn't roll in
here to Milford until almost 10 PM.   I'm getting a few e-mails off and then
it's off to bed. 


        Kathy's moved by all the calls, notes of concern and offers of
assistance.   She thanks you and sends her love back to all of you and hopes
to join you at an upcoming event ASAP.   She actually starts minor physical
therapy tomorrow.  It involves slowly getting out of bed and standing next
to it.   (Hell, I can do that and I didn't have surgery!!)  Seriously, I
thank you all again for your caring concern and I'll keep you posted on
Kathy's progress.    


Warmest regards, Ray B.



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