BSCC- tech tip!

Dobbs, Christopher ILSC (PKI) Christopher.Dobbs at
Mon Nov 28 09:27:00 EST 2005

Ahh Rick .. Don't be too hard on yourself, I think we all should have your courage to own up to our errors for all to read. Like pouring your new motor oil in the engine and onto the driveway because the drain plug wasn't reinstalled (!)

Christopher Dobbs 

-----Original Message-----
From: bsc-list-bounces at [mailto:bsc-list-bounces at] On Behalf Of Rick MacDonald
Sent: Monday, November 28, 2005 9:01 AM
To: bsc-list at
Subject: BSCC- tech tip!

Um, maybe a "dope slap" is needed here. Next time you spend over an hour trying to get a Corvair started, and it turns over beautifully with a remote starter switch, but it just WON'T spark....Don't try to fix it by replacing the plugs, cap, points,
rotor, and condensor...instead, just make sure the key is ON, and you have a better chance at getting some spark!!

Oh well, after all that at least it fires right up, runs nicely and I have all those nice new parts!!!!

Rick MacDonald
The Smith Print, Inc.
90 Longwater Drive
Norwell, MA 02061
781-878-5555 tel
781-878-2040 fax
rickm at

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