BSCC- checking in

robert sedani r.sedani at
Thu Nov 17 09:48:18 EST 2005

dave mc
good luck friday....bob s.
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "David McMillan" <dmac632000 at>
To: "Bay State Corvairs (MA)" <bsc-list at>
Sent: Thursday, November 17, 2005 9:22 AM
Subject: Re: BSCC- checking in

> Geez Dave!!! Less like pounding wood, more like pain
> in the a$$!
> Hope you're feeling better every day.
> I'm going in for my knee surgery tomorrow. Hope to up
> and running (literally) very soon (but not too soon!).
> Dave Mc
> --- Daves69vair at wrote:
> > hello all, dave c here. well things are going. this
> > past sunday evening i was
> > riding my 4 wheeler  and yes i did , i crashed . yup
> > i flipped it in the
> > woods on a lot my friend is clearing so he can build
> > his new home. we were riding
> > on a track we made  i came over a small stone wall
> > and the front wheels went
> > air borne and when the wheels touched down there was
> > a stump that i hit at
> > almost wide open speed and the 4 wheeler flipped and
> > when we landed the bike was
> > on all 4 and i landed on a 5" stump. yup broke my
> > tail bone and one bone in my
> > right foot.( i found a new meaning of pounding
> > wood). so this week im walking
> > and sitting a little slower but im still getting
> > things done around the home.
> > should be up and riding real soon .still getting
> > things ready for the wifes b
> > -day, bash should be a good time . hope all is well
> > with all. if we dont see
> > you have a very happy thanks giving.   dave c and
> > family.
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