BSCC- Sunday's Brunch & Cruise

Ray & Kathy Bombardier bomma at
Wed May 11 23:16:00 EDT 2005

Hello everyone!

    * Just a reminder that our Club's Brunch & Cruise is this Sunday, May 15th at Mills Wharf Restaurant in Scituate Harbor.   We'll meet in their parking lot about 10 AM. (We have 10:30 seating reservations and want to have everyone in attendance before we get seated.)   Make sure you have enough fuel in the tank to cover the scenic cruise that Tom & Mike have planned after the brunch that will end in the Hull/Nantasket Beach area   It should be a terrific event.   If you should need further directions to Mills Wharf, please contact one of our Event Coordinators, Bob & Elaine Sedani or Tom Fiske.  

    Hope you all can make it there.    Ray B.

PS/  Also, I want to personally thank all the club members who were involed in the Club's 1st Yard/Bake Sale for all their hard work done in the spirit of giving.   It was a great success.   Look for a story about this event in the May newsletter.
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