BSCC- Need Sending Unit

rick macdonald rick4130 at
Fri Jun 24 19:28:03 EDT 2005

Tom, sorry to hear about the problems with your unit (insert joke here)
Anyway, Have you checked the wires and grounds? I have heard about people prying the senders open, and cleaning the could be anything....I'd buy the proper gaskets and stuff from Clark's and get in there..maybe it's just a float that fell off or something easy to fix...if it's not evident, you can always put it all back and just keep it full....

Tom Fiske <tfiske at> wrote:
Hey all,
I am trying to locate a fuel tank sending unit for my '60.  It is another one of those parts that is unique to the 60 model.  I have tried Clark's and they are out of stock and don't expect to get one in the near future.  They suggested I get mine rebuilt.
Does anyone have one they are willing to sell or maybe know of a source?  
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