BSCC- Rick's Body Tech Day

Rick MacDonald rickm at
Mon Jun 6 16:25:13 EDT 2005

The "body shop" tech day at Rick's will be this Saturday AM from 8 until
whenever!! I have a dance recital at 4pm, but until then we can finally get
down to some metal.

Basically, I'll use some chemical stripper each nite this week, and get as
much paint off as I can (after I rebuild my $#$#@! starter), and we can hit
the rest of it together. Then I'll sandblast the little nooks and crannies
and get to the fun that is bondo.

Bring your sander, some sandpaper (80 grit should do it), and an extension

and Kathy says "Bring the wives", so that means everybody if you can make

PS, if there are any members not on the email list you think would like to
attend, please let 'em know!!

Rick MacDonald
The Smith Print, Inc.
 781-878-5555 x230 ph
781-878-2040 fax
rickm at

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