BSCC- Holiday Party

Ray & Kathy Bombardier bomma at
Fri Dec 23 22:20:22 EST 2005

'Season's Greetings' to everyone!!

        One quick note about our upcoming Holiday Party.   One of our event coordinators, Elaine Sedani, was in touch with the Banquet Coordinator at Benjamin's Restaurant and they would like a head count by Monday, Jan. 2, '02.   Even if you do not have your check for dinner sent in to our club treasurer, John Wingle by that date, please be sure if you plan on attending to call John Wingle ASAP and leave word that you intend to come (or not) on Jan. 6th.   This is very important so we have an accurate headcount and John is maintaining the list.
        Thanks for your quick attention to this matter.   If you've already sent your check in you can disregard this notice.

Happy Holidays to one and all and we hope to see you all at Benjamin's on the 6th.

        Warmest regards, Ray Bombardier
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