BSCC- An Appology

Ray & Kathy Bombardier bomma at
Wed Dec 7 10:58:52 EST 2005

A few others and now Steve!!!
               This is being blown out of proportion.   Lets everyone take a chill pill.    NO ONE wants anyone to pull their names from the bsc-list!!    Especially me.   I think the world of you all and it saddens me to see this over reaction.   Would you all please reconsider removing yourselves from the bsc-list.  At least stop and think about it.  Please?

I appreciate your time.      Ray Bombardier

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: steve boyden 
  To: Bay State Corvairs (MA) 
  Sent: Wednesday, December 07, 2005 9:40 AM
  Subject: BSCC- An Appology

       This computer E- mail is totally new to me. In the past, my wife has always typed and printed, all the messages. I had no idea I was causing so much trouble. I sincerely apologize for my ignorance and inconvenience and problems I have caused. I am very sorry to see so many people upset over my doing. I won't be filling any boxes any more. I can be reached by phone.      Steve


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