BSCC- a naked 40 yr old Canadian

Rick MacDonald rickm at
Fri Aug 12 16:08:10 EDT 2005

Here is a pic of a Canadian-Built Corsa (pretty rare I think) that David
MacDonald of Acton is restoring.
John Wingle and I ran into David at the Dust-off, and he has since hooked up
with Ed Morse for some body parts.
I've invited him to a future meeting when it's done.
I also invited Mike Hill from Plymouth. Mike told me at the Volksvair that
his Ron-Moller built Corvair-powered
VW Bus is done and he'll show it off at an upcoming meeting.
Maybe we can get him to join, too.
Perhaps we'll see everybody at the BBQ in Humarock but we'll be busy
getting the backyard ready for the "contruction site".Yahoo!!!

Rick MacDonald
The Smith Print, Inc.
 781-878-5555 x230 ph
781-878-2040 fax
rickm at
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